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Changes in UHGPGA Leadership

Well, this is not a post I wanted to write.

A series of changing circumstances on the home front—most of them welcome but none of them foreseen when I accepted the nomination to serve as president of UHGPGA—has led me to the conclusion that I can no longer give the club the undivided attention it needs. My wife and I are selling our home in south Utah County and building something smaller and closer to family, closer to the airport, and closer to the South Side. In the mean time, we will be living full-time in Texas for the 8 to 12 months it takes to build our new house.

I asked Vice President Heather Maslowski to step up and fill the position of president for the remainder of 2023, Heather graciously accepted, and the board of directors has approved this action. This leaves the office of vice president unfilled, but the board is already on the hunt for an able successor and will no doubt announce a new VP shortly. (While they're at it, maybe a new secretary will step forward too!)

I will complete the ongoing chapter renewal and finish setting up the new website, both of which can be done remotely (I am sitting in Grapevine, Texas waiting for another work trip as I write this). I have enjoyed my short tenure and look forward to bigger and better things from our new leadership!

Which gives me a good excuse to brag a little on Heather's and the board's behalf about the work being done by Heather, Mallory, Mark, Kevin, Jordan and a whole bunch of volunteers heading up various committees. Heather started the committee ball rolling and lots of members volunteered their time and talents as chairs and committee members. This spreads the load and brings a lot of fresh new ideas into the mix. The result has been impressive, and I think you'll see all this hard work reflected in the quality of our meetings, projects and events going forward.

If you're interested in lending a hand too, there is never a shortage of projects in the club. Let someone on the board hear from you and they'll put you to work! Thanks for your encouragement over the past few months and have a safe flying season! I'll see you at the Point...Bob



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