Utah Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association
Safety Message: The Big 10
Dear Pilots,
Welcome to flying in Utah! We welcome you to have a safe, fun experience
with as little risk as possible. To that end, please follow these critical 10 safety
suggestions below.
1. This year we’d like to ask pilots along the South Side ridge and North Side
front ridge to fly a 15/15 rule to help ease traffic congestion. (This is a change
from the 20/20 rule in the site guides). If 15 pilots are flying in the traffic
pattern along the front ridge, wait for one to land or fly away before taking off
into the pattern. If you have been flying 15 minutes and are in the pattern with
pilots waiting to fly, land or fly away to give these pilots a turn to fly too.
2. If you are not a member already, please join the local club
(http://uhgpga.org). This helps maintain our flying sites and provides
insurance. This also helps you become aware of important information the
club wants you to have while flying here in Utah. We’re also working on a cool
helmet sticker that goes out to members only.
3. Familiarize yourself with our sites. The club has site guides posted online
for most major sites within Utah. Reading up before traveling to and flying a
site will help a lot toward understanding what you need to do to fly a site
safely. Be very aware of the red and yellow areas of the SS and NS as shown
in the site guides.
4. KNOW THE WEATHER. This includes potential life-threatening blow-back
conditions that occasionally occur at these sites. We have an excellent
weather page on the club website, which you have full access to as a member
(we are working to make this available to non-members too): Weather Central
| UHGPGA.org
5. Follow rules and traffic patterns. The Point here in Draper/Lehi has a lot of
pilots flying and learning to fly. Special rules have been established to help the
sites stay safe with more pilots usually flying at any given time than at other
sites. Pilots visiting from out of state who have not read the site guides are
easily identified because they are typically the ones not flying the local traffic
patterns, not kiting, launching, or landing in correct areas. Keep risk lower for
everyone by following local rules!
6. Note from MW/SW Safety Director Riley: For all of the mini wing and speed
wing pilots (as with everyone), please remember to share the air and landing
zones properly. Follow the right of way ridge soaring rules so that traffic can
flow properly and safely. Do not use the hang glider designated areas when
they are present and clear their takeoff space when they are launching.
Please leave a respectful and safe distance for everyone in landing areas. If
an area is too crowded, wait to land or choose a different area.
7. PG Safety Director Andrew stresses the importance and need for frequent
and diligent ground handling. The Point is primarily a ridge soaring site which
means pilots should expect and be prepared for strong wind conditions that
often exceed what one would typically find (in ideal conditions) in the
mountains. As such, comfort and control over our gliders is of utmost
importance and can help reduce the likelihood of injury when on or near the
8. Note from Hangie Safety Director Lisa: Please be aware that hang gliders
may be landing on the NS grass as well in the yellow zone or along their
launch strip, particularly in more westerly conditions. Do not block the
airspace of hangies waiting to launch on either the NS or SS.
9. Fly inspected airworthy equipment. Always use checklists to inspect
equipment and prepare for flight. Consider using printed checklists to help
10. Know thyself. When in doubt about conditions, either don’t fly or land
when you can as safely as possible. There are pilots who fly for decades
without serious incidents because they know their limits and work to stay
within them.
NOTE: The emergency channel is 146.560. To operate legally on this
channel, check out
Be safe and enjoy flying!
UHGPGA Safety Committee:
Hang gliders – Lisa Verzella lisaverzella@gmail.com
Mini wings –Riley Conley brileyconley@gmail.com
Paragliders – Andrew Ross andyqscape@gmail.com